Motor Industry Staff Association | +27 (0)11 476 3920 |
MISA Mission
Protection and advancement of our members’ interest
Benefits offering value for money
Service of the highest order
MISA Vision
“The future is now”
The Motor Industry Staff Association envisions becoming and remaining the most relevant Union within the Retail Motor Industry and using the Association’s influence for the direct benefit of its membership. Its vision is further to create a more conducive working environment between Employer and Employee without sacrificing on exclusivity, norms, values and ethos established over its many years of existence.
About MISA
MISA, a registered trade union for employees in the retail motor industry in South Africa, was formed after the merger of the Motor Industry Staff Association (MISA) and the SA Motor Union (SAMU). Together, these two organisations have a proud history of 130 years in the Retail Motor Industry.
Members enjoy the focused approach of a well-versed negotiating team representing members’ interests in the collective bargaining process on wages and conditions of employment at the Motor Industry Bargaining Council (MIBCO).
Qualified labour law practitioners provide free and expert legal advice and, where appropriate, the necessary legal defence to members in the resolution of labour disputes. The problem-solving approach is a major contributing factor in the resolution of disputes in the workplace.
MISA has a proven track record of excellent service to its members.
Non-union employees are encouraged to join MISA, the Intelligent Alternative, to enjoy the benefits and protection it offers.
