Motor Industry Staff Association | +27 (0)11 476 3920 |

The MISA Legal Department gives you a voice when muted by unfair labour issues.
MISA pride ourselves in being the “intelligent alternative” not only in providing you, a MISA member, with supportive financial benefits, but more pertinently in giving you the support and voice when you need it most. We strive, not only to assist, but to include you in our processes and initiatives.
Nothing about you, without you.
Our standards and services are in line with our mission, namely the protection and advancement of our members’ interest and service of the highest order.
Our services include inter alia:
Telephonic labour advice;
Drafting of grievances;
Consultation on your behalf during restructuring and/or retrenchment processes;
Application to represent you during internal processes such as disciplinary hearings;
Assistance during disciplinary hearings/appeal hearings and dismissals;
Representation at conciliations and arbitrations;
Representation during review and/or appeal processes at Labour Court;
Representation during contractual dispute;
Drafting of a Last Will or Living Will;
Drafting and/or providing contracts of employment between you and your domestic worker.
Don’t delay, phone today.
Please complete the online form or download the pdf and mail it to
Online Legal Assistance Request Form
Kindly utilise the following e-mail addresses and links for assistance:
Legal/Labour-related enquiries
Legal Reception 011 4763920
Legal WhatsApp 0718809682
Join the best Union in the retail motor industry to ensure that you can sleep sound at night.